CTE News
Help Diving CTE Seniors Raise Funds for a January Training Trip

Help Diving CTE Seniors Raise Funds for a January Training Trip

The Diving CTE seniors missed a lot of SCUBA certifications due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Please help them raise funds for travel and expenses necessary for deep water training.

Ways to Help

Donate to the GoFundMe

Donate here: https://gofund.me/37209b42

Participate in Wednesday Bake Sales

Bake / Help in Person / Donate

All donated items must be in recyclable, compostable, or (preferably) reusable containers. No individually packaged items. Please write selling price on the box.

Sign up here: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/5080948aeac2ba1fb6-diving

Coming Soon: A New Diving CTE
T-Shirt and More Ways to Help!


Contact Professional Diving CTE:

Lenny Speregen: [email protected]

Joseph Jimenez: [email protected]