School Cleanup – April 14, 24

This weekend, with funding from the PTA and a small dedicated group of volunteers, we made a big difference in our schoolyard. Along with our dedicated teachers, they tackled a few tons of metal scraps and debris, helped prep the ground for our new garden shed, and even dismantled an old boat for removal! While This removal was taking place, we…

Urban Assembly Call To Action – 3/18 Hearing

City Council Education Budget Hearing (3/18): The City Council education budget hearing is taking place on March 18th. You can testify (read a statement of up to two minutes) in person at City Hall or via Zoom. While the hearing starts at 10am with the NYC Department of Education’s testimony, public testimony is scheduled to begin at 2:30pm and will…

In The News – Diving into Marine Career

When high school students begin charting a career path, they often choose one of two options: preparing for college or focusing on specific job skills through a career and technical education (CTE) program. A one-of-a-kind high school in New York City mandates students complete both as they prepare for maritime careers in jobs ranging from vessel operators to marine biologists…

Marine Bio Cookie Raffle

Marine Bio Cookie Raffle

Help our budding scientists make a yearly field trip to Cuba in 2024, where they will be working on a serious field expedition with scientists of the Center for Marine Investigations of the University of Havana, and experiencing a true cultural immersion in the Caribbean.  

On PBS – The Big Oyster | WILD HOPE

New York Harbor was a haven of incredible underwater biodiversity—until centuries of pollution turned it into a cesspool. Today, an alliance of architects, restaurateurs, scientists, and high school students is working to restore the harbor and protect the city from climate change. At the heart of the effort is a tiny creature with an outsized talent for cleanup: the extraordinary…

With 1,000 Applicants for 140 Seats, NYC’s Harbor School Set for Major Expansion

Scuba diving. Estuary restoration. Search and rescue.  These subjects are essential to students at New York City’s Urban Assembly Harbor School. Located on two campuses — one for classroom learning, the other for water-based research — the 20-year-old school on Governors Island offers eight maritime-themed career and technical education pathways. Real-world opportunities allow the 480 students — sometimes clad in life…

How these Manhattan educators are trying to reduce the stigma around summer school

This story was originally published by Chalkbeat. Sign up for their newsletters at Michael Elsen-Rooney, Chalkbeat New York Jul 24, 6:29pm EDT Manhattan high school Principal Jeffrey Chetirko recently asked a group of his summer school students to pose for a photo for social media. But they didn’t want anyone to know they were in summer school. “It kind of…