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Get vaccinated and earn money for yourself and the PTA.
Reports & Discussion: 20 Minutes Welcome and Introduction of Board Members to Harbor Families (Amy Koza & Ian McGrath, Co-Presidents) Summary Intro of Big Projects and Events for 2021-2022 (Amy & Ian) Review & Accept Minutes from June 2021 meeting (Renee Alevras and Bridgette Bethea, Co-Recording Secretaries) Treasurer’s Report (Tamara Johnson, Treasurer) Principal’s Report – Jeff Chetirko: 20 mins Principal’s…
Zoom link will be sent out the afternoon before the meeting.
In honor of 9/11 and in commemoration of the Great Boat Lift, a Flotilla and Blessing of the Fleet is being organized on Friday September 10. Passage aboard the Classic Harbor Line Fleet is being offered to participate in this grand event. 100% of all ticket sales are donated to the Billion Oyster Project for NY Harbor School programs. Please…