Please join us for the Harbor School PTA General Meeting on November 15th, Tuesday evening at 6pm via Zoom. We look forward to welcoming new and returning families. Thank you for your enthusiastic participation!

Please join us for the Harbor School PTA General Meeting on November 15th, Tuesday evening at 6pm via Zoom. We look forward to welcoming new and returning families. Thank you for your enthusiastic participation!
We will be electing next year’s board! Also voting on the budget for next year as well. Join in the process.
Zoom link will be distributed by Ronni before the meeting.
Join us at the next PTA meeting and learn about the following topics and more.1. Clean Up Day Accomplishments, Staff Appreciation Day, and The Oyster Classic 5K 2. Volunteer Opportunities – Join us in a break-out room for a conversation on how you can take on a small role to help the PTA 3. Vote on funding issues 4. Hear from…
The Next General Meeting of the Harbor School PTA is April 12, 2022 at 6PM on Zoom.
Join us on Tuesday, March 15 for our next PTA meeting and hear about the exciting events planned for this spring. – Athletic Director Ian Srebnick and Michael Sammarco will speak about our new PSAL spring program at Harbor and the positive effect it is having on our students. – Get updates from Principal Jeff Chetirko and Ronni Ettinger. –…
Contact [email protected] for more information or to join the SLT.
Come to the next General meeting of the Harbor School PTA, Tuesday February 15, 6-8PM Zoom link will be distributed via email the day of the meeting. We will be electing a new SLT member. Venga a la próxima reunión general de la PTA de Harbor School, el martes 15 de febrero, de 6 a 8 p. m. Elegiremos un…