NYHS PTA Executive Board & ByLaws

The Executive Board of the NYHS will meet on the second (or occasionally first) Wedensday of the month to discuss the agenda and content for the PTA General Meeting.  The meetings will run from 6:30 PM – 7:30 PM.
We will meet over Zoom for convenience. Any PTA member is welcome to join, just reach out to a member of the board for an invitation


The Executive Board Roster for 2023-2024:

President[email protected]
Recording Secratery
Aquaculture Parents[email protected]
Marine Biology Parents[email protected]
Marine Policy & Advocacy Parents[email protected]
Marine Systems & Technology Parents[email protected]
Ocean Engineering Parents[email protected]
Professional Diving Parents[email protected]
Vessel Operations Parents[email protected]
Welding Parents[email protected]
Freshman Parents[email protected]
Senior Parents[email protected]
School Leadership Team
Fundraising[email protected]