Urban Assembly Call To Action – 3/18 Hearing
City Council Education Budget Hearing (3/18): The City Council education budget hearing is taking place on March 18th. You can testify (read a statement of up to two minutes) in person at City Hall or via Zoom. While the hearing starts at 10am with the NYC Department of Education’s testimony, public testimony is scheduled to begin at 2:30pm and will likely last into the evening. It would be great to have parents, students, educators, and others talk about the impact of losing the Affinity contract. Please:
- Register to Testify: https://council.nyc.gov/testify/
- Recruit impacted parents, students, educators, and program staff to testify: Please feel free to refer to this guidance on testifying with step-by-step instructions for signing up to testify and testifying.
If you do come to testify live, they ask for 20 copies of the testimony at the time. If you need support with printing please reply to this email and we will connect you with UA personnel to assist