Marine Biology Research Program Newsletter
January 2022
Please help with Marine Bio student mock job interviews
Thanks to the parents who have signed up already. We need a few more of you to help our 11th grade students with practice interviews on Thursday, February 17th, between 12:30 and 2:30pm.
It’s quick and easy!
We give you an easy-to-follow script and a student’s resume. You log on to Zoom and interview that student for +/- 15 minutes. Afterwards, fill out a simple form with your comments.
Your help can make an impact on a student’s career and life! Email your Marine Bio Rep Koko at [email protected]
If you missed the College and Career Office’s informative presentation for Juniors on 1/27/22. here is the Slide Show with Links.
Interested in visiting colleges with fellow Marine Bio families?
How about a Virtual College Fair?
Let us know by having your child fill out the
MRBP College Questionnaire on Google Forms.
If the interest is there, we can plan it.
Calling all Senior Parents
A blog is being put together for the PTA on tips for college.
Would you be willing to be interviewed by Nan Richardson about your process?
Junior and even sophomore families could learn so much from you!
Questions would include:
What colleges did you consider?
What could Marine Bio do to improve the college process?
and similar.
Can you give Nan just 20 minutes of your time—whenever you are available?
Please contact [email protected]
Student Scholars in Action
In a previous Marine Bio e-newsletter we saw our student scholars in action on NY Harbor collecting water samples. What happens next?
Senior Nick Pabotoy designed the following graphics to explain…
Please help our students to be able to continue doing exciting projects like this by donating to the Marine Bio program at Cheddar Up
Every little bit helps! Thanks
Comments? Questions?
Contact your Marine Bio Reps
Tricia Garcia & Koko at
[email protected]
Thanks to Nick Pabotoy, Mauricio Gonzalez
and Nan Richardson for pictures and content.
Design by Koko