Harbor School needs Building 515! Get the word out on Twitter
Rafael Salamanca Jr. (CHAIR of Land Use & Education committee) | Twitter: @salamancajr80 FB: cmsalamanca |
Carlina Rivera | Twitter: @CMCarlinaRivera FB: @CouncilwomanCarlinaRivera |
Diana Ayla | Twitter: @DianaAyalaNYC FB: CMDianaAyala |
Kevin Riley (Land Use & Education committee) | Twitter:@kevinjamesriley FB: Rileyforthebronx |
Vanessa L. Gibson | Twitter: @Vanessalgibson |
Ruben Diaz Sr. | Twitter: @Revrubendiaz FB: https://www.facebook.com/Rev.Ruben.Diaz |
Peter Koo | Twitter:@cmpeterkoo FB: CMPeter Koo |
Francisco Moya | Twitter: @franciscomoyany |
Barry Grodenchik (Land Use & Education committee) | Twitter: @BarryGrodenchik FB: @bgrodenchik |
I. Daneek Miller (Land Use & Education committee) | Twitter: @idaneekmiller |
Adrienne E. Adams | Twitter: @AdrienneAdamsNY |
Antonio Reynoso | Twitter: @cmreynoso34 |
Inez Barron (Land Use & Education committee) | FB: cminezdbarron |
Mark Treyger (Chair of Land Use & Education committee) | Twitter: @marktreyger718 FB: @CouncilMemberTreyger |
Chaim M. Deutsch | Twitter: @ChaimDeutsch FB: Chaim Deutsch | Facebook |
Joseph C. Borelli (Land Use & Education committee) | Twitter: @JoeBorelliNYC FB: nyccborelli |
Step 1:
Simply Tweet Instructions:
- Refer to above councilmember twitter address chart – type in their twitter address
***Please try to tweet to all listed – goal is to overflood their twitter account with our messaging to get their support.
- Select one of the guided messaging below in labelled Step 2 (each bullet point signifies a different message) – just copy and past onto the tweet box.
**Note when copy & paste, it might include the bullet pt & extra space (delete it so message can fit into limited word space capacity)
- Go to colored Flyer below labelled Step 3 – right click copy and paste onto the twitter box, directly below your message
Then click Tweet
Step 2: Twitter or Facebook guided messaging to send to Councilmembers:
- Support Harbor School facility needs! Advocate to get the Trust & City to assign us hospital building 515 on GI. Harbor’s mission hasn’t been fully fulfilled in 17yrs b/c of lack of resources. Only maritime school in NYC denied space to train in the water.
- Need GI Trust & City to give 515 bldg to Harbor school. Maritime school doesn’t have access to water on island. Mission for onsite aquatic training was unattained for 11yrs. Learning how to swim and training in the water is needed for marine career futures.
- At least 50% of Harbor students don’t know how to swim & unable to meet professional criteria as they have NO training facility on Gvnr’s Island. Diver students trek 2hrs w. heavy gear to Bushwick,7hr roundtrip up to 4x a wk. Where is the equity and fairness?
- Lack of infrastructure cripples our great CTE program school, the only island marine HS in NYC,69% minority,46% Latinx, boasting 94% graduation rate. Since 2010, we never got the needed access space to the water. Need GI Trust to give us 515 bldg
- Bldg 515 is adjacent to our Harbor School and is the only historic bldg that has enough space to fit an aquatic training center, gym, auditorium, and addt’l classroom space. Our school is about 28% overcrowded, UFT rated us as 8th overcrowded in NYC.
- Our school specializes in vessel operations,diving,ocean engineering,aquaculture,marine tech/policy & biology leading to fruitful careers. With 600mi of coastline,14% of waterfront jobs not open to minorities,nor held by New Yorkers–this school could change those #s
Step 3: Right click copy and paste this Flyer onto your twitter box directly below your
messaging. It should fit perfectly in the space.

here are all the twitter addresses together: