As a boat horn pierces an overcast Monday morning on Manhattan’s South Street, a stampede of teenagers rushes toward the 8 o’clock ferry bound for Governors Island – carrying backpacks, headphones and several fishing poles. Article Link

Family Freshman Fun Day
RSVP NOW The PTA is hosting a Freshman Winter Family Fun Day on Sunday, February 5th, from 1 PM to 3 PM. Freshman families are invited to get together in our heated Mess Hall, where there will be hot cocoa and treats to enjoy while interacting with other families and Harbor School Administration. This is a great time to ask questions and learn more about all…

PTA Meeting – March 21
Join us for the next PTA meeting at 6PM. Zoom details will be sent via email

Harbor to Havana Fundraiser
Our Marine Biology Research CTE is raising funds to send students with teacher Mauricio Gonzalez for a 9-day trip to Cuba, where they will work with professors at the University of Havana in and around the famous water wilderness of Jardines del Reina.
Marine Bio e-newsletter vol.4 – Jan 2023
Happy New Year! There are lots of wonderful things going on in Marine Bio. And our students need your help to keep them happening. We want to re-start the tradition of a 12th grade trip overseas. We are beginning the plans for a class journey to Cubain May of this year 2023. We are setting the groundwork and establishing funding so this will…